Philipps Pianella Modell P.E. Violinen Orchester
in its Original Location

Pianella P.E. in its original location.

(Photograph courtesy of Walter Dahler.)

Philipps Pianella Modell P.E. Violinen Orchester in its original location in the small village of Giornico Ticino in the southern part of Switzerland.

Interior view of the Pianella P.E.

(Photograph courtesy of Walter Dahler.)

Interior of the Philipps Pianella Modell P.E. Violinen Orchester while in its original location in the small village of Giornico Ticino in the southern part of Switzerland.

Community Hall where the Pianella P.E. was originally located.

(Photograph courtesy of Walter Dahler.)

The “Community Hall” in the small village of Giornico Ticino—in the southern part of Switzerland—where the Philipps Pianella Modell P.E. Violinen Orchester was originally located.
