(Photograph courtesy of Clara May (Raney) Akard.)
Clara May and Marian Raney in the front yard at The Raney's Inglewood home. |
(Photograph courtesy of Clara May (Raney) Akard.)
Cliff Raney with his bicycle at the Raney's Inglewood home. |
(Photograph courtesy of Clara May (Raney) Akard.)
Cliff Raney (at right) with a friend, while standing outside amongst the eucalyptus trees at the Raney Ranch. |
(Photograph courtesy of Clara May (Raney) Akard.)
Cliff Raney dressed up and holding a trumpet (at right) with a friend, while standing outside amongst the eucalyptus trees at the Raney Ranch. Cliff Raney, Jr., graduated from Whittier Union High School in 1935. This may be a photograph taken during his high school years. |
(Photograph courtesy of Clara May (Raney) Akard.)
Children playing in San Jose Creek, circa 1931. Left to right:
Front row: ???? Christensen; Louise Ramirez, and Laura Didier.
Middle row: Marian Raney with the family dog.
Rear row: Gracie Didier and Clara May Raney. |
(Photograph courtesy of Clara May (Raney) Akard.)
A.C. Raney family at the Raney ranch, circa 1932. Left to right:
Front row: Clara May Raney and Marian Raney.
Rear row: A.C. Raney; Ruby Pearl (Larsh) Raney; Charles Edgar Hill (a family friend and former vice-president of the Santa Fe Railroad who lived on the ranch from 1929 to 1939); and Cliff Raney, Jr. |
(Photograph courtesy of Clara May (Raney) Akard.)
The Raney family members enjoying a sunny afternoon while sitting in the back yard area at the Raney ranch, with a male peacock and chickens joining in on the party, circa 1935. The only two family members recognizable in this photographs are what appears to be Cliff Raney, Jr., seated at left, and Clara May Raney standing at right. It is probably A. C. Raney (with only that back of his head showing) in the chair to the front of Cliff Raney, Jr., and maybe Ruby Raney (with only a small portion of her head showing) in the chair to his left. |
(Photograph courtesy of Clara May (Raney) Akard.)
Cliff Raney, Jr., kneeling in the orange orchard on the Raney Ranch, circa 1940s. |
(Photograph courtesy of Clara May (Raney) Akard.)
Albert Clifford Raney III seated in a lava arch near his home in Hazen, Nevada. |
(Photograph courtesy of Clara May (Raney) Akard.)
Porter Springs Burros, desert friends of Albert Clifford Raney III, roaming free near his home in Hazen, Nevada. |