Svoboda's Nickelodeon Tavern and Museum

Cremona Style 10.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

Al's third nickelodeon, a fine Cremona style 10 M-roll orchestrion with two ranks of pipes, triangle, and tambourine, obtained from a barber shop down the street in the early days of collecting. It still played fairly well into the mid-1960s with its original tubing, cloth, and leather!

Seeburg Style G.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

Al's first Seeburg G shortly after being moved into the bar room. With its original cloth-wrapped tubing still in place, the machine looked almost like new.

Al and Flo made a happy couple.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

Al and Flo made a happy couple in this photo taken in 1944. Note the photos of neighborhood boys serving in the war posted all around the back bar.

Display cases.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

Display cases full of interesting old artifacts on the wall next to the booths in the bar room.
