Svoboda's Nickelodeon Tavern and Museum

50th anniversary post card.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

Post card issued for Svoboda's 50th anniversary year, 1958, showing the Boyer Seeburg KT “puppet machine,“ the Link C flute piano and Popper barrel orchestrion, superimposed on a red and white checkered tablecloth in the background.

Al with Edison Cylinder Phonograph.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

Al in 1958 at age 49, cooled by a hot air fan, preparing to play a tune on an Edison phonograph. (Photograph from the Chicago Daily News, February 15, 1958.)

Dave Ramey Sr.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

A youthful Dave Ramey preparing some drums to be added to a nickelodeon in the mahogany room in June,1962.

Welte barrel organ.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

Peering through the back of the barroom, how could one resist entering the big hall after spotting this elegant Welte barrel organ? To its left is a Nelson-Wiggen style 8, with a Wurlitzer 103 band organ perched on top! If you run out of wall space, start stacking them.

Rare Rand Band Organ.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

The rare North Tonawanda Musical Instruments Works “Rand” brass trumpet and band organ sat on the stage when it wasn't being used in parades.
