Svoboda's Nickelodeon Tavern and Museum

Decap dance organ.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

92-key Decap dance organ installed on the stage in the hall, where it became one of the most popular attractions at Svoboda's.

The hall in 1966.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

The hall in 1966. Can you spot the North Tonawanda style B Pianolin, Seeburg E, tall barrel orchestrion, and Seeburg Celesta with theater organ toy counter parts mounted on the wall above it? Most of the pianos had an animated display sitting on top, connected to the pitch game described earlier in this article.

Derby and Link Style C.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

Flo Svoboda with the Western Electric “Derby” and Link Style C.

A back room of the building.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

One of the rooms toward the back of the building: William Johnson A-roll piano, Mills DeLuxe Violano with two violins, and a late Seeburg Style L.

A large Victor dog.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

A large Victor dog enjoying the National roll-changing piano.

Variety of advertising materials.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)

Variety of advertising materials. Left to right: match book, round sticker, table sign, and table napkin.
