Solo Melodie Violin Pipework in the
Pianella Monstre Paganini Orchestrion

Pipework in the "Solo Melody" section.

The center solo Melodie Violin section is made up of 11-ranks of pipes enclosed in a swell box. Swell shutters at the enclosure's top are then opened and closed by a sophisticated mechanism, inducing variations in the volume of the music. The mechanism that produces the tremolo (vibrato) effect for the Melodie Violin pipework is fastened to the back side of the swell box, and is not visible in this photograph.

Solo Melodie Violin pipework
405 pipes total (front to back)

  • 39 Piccolos (wood flute pipes with nodule hole)
  • 39 Violins (2nd violin—wood violin pipes with brass freins)
  • 39 Clarinets (reed pipes with wooden boot and cylindrical cardboard resonators)
  • 39 Trumpets (reed pipes with metal boot and tapered metal resonators)
  • 39 Violins (soft—wood violin pipes with brass freins)
  • 27 Flageoletts (wood violin pipes with nodule hole and brass freins)
  • 39 Violins (soft—wood violin pipes with brass freins)
  • 39 Violins (1st rank, loud, celeste tuning—wood violin pipes with brass freins)
  • 39 Violins (2nd rank, loud, celeste tuning—wood violin pipes with brass freins)
  • 27 Flutes (wooden open flute pipes)
  • 39 Violoncello (large wood violin pipes with wood rollers)