Trapwork (Beating Instruments) in the
Pianella Modell 12
Monstre Paganini Orchestrion

Frontal view of the Paganini's trapwork (percussive) instrumentation during installation.

This view of the upper portion of the right (side-wing) compartment shows the partially re-installed trapwork (drums and other percussive instrumentation) division.

At top center is the big drum beater mechanism. The large center and most powerful striker is used for "bass drum," which includes a pneumatic connection to the rhythm striker on the cymbal al left. The two smaller strikers on either side of the center one are for the tympani effect. A soft effect moves the three strikers closer to the drum head. A separately controlled cymbal striker is used for the "crash cymbal." effect. The reiterating triangle is to the right of the big drum beater mechanism.

Below the big drum's supporting shelf is the snare drum with reiterating action and soft effect. The tambourine and castanets, both with reiterating actions, will soon be mounted nearby in this same lower area.
