Sternberg Invoice and Release for Rezsö Weiser's
Purchase of the Philipps Modell 3 Paganini
(Photograph courtesy of Jens Wendel)
December 28, 1935, invoice from the Music Instrument Factory
Sternberg, Budapest, Hungary, Translated it essentially reads as
Dear Mr. and Mrs. (maiden name Gyozo Maria) Weiser Rezsó
Budapest, III. Tavasz utca 12
Payable in Budapest
Thank you for our order and we are happy to provide you the
following invoice.
19th of December 1935 Bill of Sale #10372
The merchandise will stay in the ownership of the Steinberg
Musical Instrument Factory until the full payment of the
purchase price.
1 piece Paganini Philips type music box (instrument) in
condition as is, personally selected by the buyer, including
5 music scores..1000.- Pengő
Bill receipt stamp: 1.60 Pengő
Total: 1001.60 Pengő
Paid on December 19th 1935, acknowledgment receipt # 46254:
20.- Pengő
Paid on December 22nd 1935, bill # 24-05832: 180.- Pengő
Stamp 1: All moneys paid or transferred to this invoice,
please refer to number 1056.
Stamp 2: According to the order of M.E. 4560/1931 the amount
is payable equal to the Gold Pengő standard.
One thousand and one and 60/100 Pengő payable according to
the conditions of the letter of order, beginning from
February 1st 1936, 40 Pengő due at the first of every month.
For the unpaid balance there is an 8 percent yearly interest
payable. All disputes are governed by the promissory note
signed by you.
There is nothing to indicate whether the Paganini was a used
merchandise or was from new but unsold stock. |
(Photograph courtesy of Jens Wendel)
Sternberg paid-in-full release letter of
September 21, 1936, to Rezsö Weiser and his wife. Translated,
the text essentially states:
Budapest September 21
To Mr. and Mrs. Weiser Rezsö
Budapest III. Tavasz u. 12
As per your request we gladly verify
that on the 16th of this month your payment of 457.60 Pengő
plus the previous payments, the Paganini Philips Music
Instrument purchased on the 19th of December 1935 for 1000.-
Pengő in payments, the complete purchase price of the
Musical Instrument has been paid and the above instrument
has been transferred to your ownership.
Staying always at your service
Thus, it appears that as of September 21,
1936, Rezsö was able to claim his prize and take the Philipps
Paganini into his possession. |