Exterior View of the Restored
Wurlitzer Style 3 Paganini Violin Piano
(Nethercutt collection circa 1998)
Partially visible to the right of the
Wurlitzer Cabinet style Paganini is a keyboard type Philipps
Paganini-Geigen (violin)-Piano, Model 3. The keyboard Paganini
has essentially the same instrumentation as the larger cabinet
style instrument, but the mechanisms are much more compactly
arranged. The keyboard model has a single roll mechanism,
instead of a roll changer. |
Some of the intricate piano expression
controls are to the left of the separate wind-pressure (top) and
vacuum (bottom) feeders (pumps). The elaborate main valve chest
sits at the rear and on top of the shelf just above the pumps. |
The piano is visible at the back of the
instrument, just behind the roll changer. Just above the
roll-changer is the pipe chest, that holds all the violin,
viola, and violoncello pipes. |
The 44-note harmonium is fastened to the
casework back panel, just behind the ranks of wood violin,
viola, and violoncello pipes. |