John "Bernat" Perme at Home
in Bernat's Saloon
Previously the Crystal Palace Hotel,
Leadville, Colorado
(Photographs circa mid 1920s)
(Photograph courtesy of Beverly and Roger
John "Bernat" Perme behind the bar in his
saloon, circa 1928 (or a few years later), judging from the
clearly visible, circa 1928, Atwater-Kent tube radio sitting on
the back-bar at far right. Bernat's Saloon was located inside
the historic old building that the Leadville townspeople
remembered and still referred to as the Crystal Palace Hotel.
Mr. "Bernat" purchased the old hotel building from Joe and Louis
Martinelli in 1923. The Wurlitzer style 32-A Concert
PianOrchestra occupied one wall of the saloon, but is not
visible in this photograph.
(Photograph courtesy of Beverly and Roger
John "Bernat" Perme standing proudly in
front of the elegant bar in his saloon, circa 1930s. Bernat's
Saloon was located inside the old Crystal Palace Hotel building,
which Mr. "Bernat" purchased from Joe and Louis Martinelli in
1923. Notice the slot machine sitting in plain view on the "Mild
M&O Cigar" display cabinet, situated between the end of the bar
and front window.
(Photograph courtesy of Beverly & Roger
Josephine Perme playing the piano,
which was located in Bernat's Saloon along with the big Wurlitzer PianOrchestra. According
to the Perme family, it was a player-piano, although difficult to
tell one way or the other from this degraded photograph.