Interior Views of the
Wurlitzer Style 32-A Concert PianOrchestra
Philipps Chassis—(Milhous collection,

The immaculately restored pipework is
visible peeking over the top of the xylophone, an instrument
that was added by Jerry Cohen. The piano is in the rear, behind
the motor and the drive pulley for the feeder bellows. The large
three-bellows wide feeder pumps are at the bottom, and are
partially visible in this photograph. |

The coin chute and accumulator are at the
bottom center of the picture. The register and trapwork control
chest is in the center (just below the bass drum), and at the
top is the bass drum with the Chinese crash cymbal peeking over
the top of the drum. The Concert PianOrchestra has two cymbals,
a standard strike cymbal operated simultaneously with the bass
drum, and a separately controlled Chinese crash cymbal. |