Welte Style 5 Concert Orchestrion
(Durward Center Collection—(circa 1987)

The restored Welte Style 6 Concert Orchestrion in the Durward Center collection.

Durward Center's magnificently restored and regulated Welte Style 5 Concert Orchestrion. With the restoration work sandwiched in between other work, it took approximately two years to complete the rebuilding of the big machine.

This instrument, with the spectacular sunburst arrangement of the trumpet pipes beautifully illustrates the architectural splendor common to almost all Welte orchestrions.

Ornate manual rewind roll mechanism with a windmotor forward drive.

The manual rewind roll mechanism required the operator to manually cause the music roll to rewind after each play. The forward playing direction was powered by a windmotor, which could be easily adjusted to produce the desired musical tempo.
