Welte Style 4 Concert Orchestrion

Welte Style 4 Concert Orchestrion.

(Photograph courtesy of Durward Center)

Figure 26. The Style 4 Concert Orchestrion makes a significant leap in both the number of pipes and number of playing notes. With 51 playing notes, the pipework consists of Trompette, Posaune, Gedeckt, Wald Flote, Octave, Zinn, and possibly Viol, for a total of 231 pipes, or 265 pipes if the Viol rank is present. The Style 4 organs leave out the lowest G# of the “F” scale. The Posaune in these organs has brass resonators for the complete 17 note range. Some Style 4 organs have a Viol register playing 34 pipes in the upper end of the scale. Notice that for this style of organ more of the registers have pipes that extend through the entire playing range.
