Welte Style 5 Concert Orchestrion
Case Variations
(Photograph courtesy of Durward Center)
Figure 29. Welte Style 5 Concert Orchestrion shown in a Gothic case design. This catalogue illustration is from a German catalogue, and depicts what may have been a custom case. With 52 playing notes, utilizing the full 75 key "F" scale, the pipework consists of Trompette, Posaune, Gedeckt, Wald Flote, Clarinette, Octave, and Zinn, for a total of 253 pipes. |
(Photograph courtesy of Durward Center)
Figure 30. Welte Style Concert Orchestrion as illustrated in an American catalogue, showing the instrument in the more standard Renaissance style case. This magnificent architectural wonder utilized the full 75 key "F" scale, playing all 52 notes, and was outfitted with a rich assortment of pipework consisting of Trompette, Posaune, Gedeckt, Wald Flote, Clarinette, Octave, and Zinn, for a total of 253 pipes. |