Wurlitzer Style CX Orchestra Piano |

Wurlitzer Style CX Orchestrion #35,949, made circa 1918 and restored for a private collector in 2010. It was previously in the collection of George Murphy. Of the several cabinet styles used for the CX, this was designated “Case design No. 9” by Wurlitzer. |

Interior of the CX, complete except for the final straps around the tubing bundles and a few remaining control tubes. With the fallboard removed, the wooden unit valve pneumatic stack is visible. This stack was designed by Charles Jameson of Chicago, and introduced in 1918. Jameson filed for a patent on May 24, 1918, and was granted #1,367,263 on February 1, 1921. In Wurlitzer band organ ledgers, the wooden unit valve stack was designated the “Jameson Chest.” |
The Wurlitzer Automatic Music Roll Changer, a popular feature of Wurlitzer coin pianos and orchestrions. About 5,100 changers were made between 1911 and 1928. This is a late style changer that was made with a number of pot metal parts. Our shop has restored 16 Wurlitzer changers since 1971. |