Lösche Style 1-K Orchestrion |

Only a few large Lösche orchestrions are known to exist. This example plays the larger of two standard sizes of Lösche rolls, measuring over 16” wide with a hole spacing of only two per centimeter, and a total of 79 holes with 61 playing notes. In contrast, the relatively compact Wurlitzer and Philipps PianOrchestra rolls are a little less than 9” wide with a spacing of four per centimeter, and a total of 88 holes with 61 playing notes. The pulley that drives the pump is mounted on the outside of the cabinet, with the crankshaft extending through a hole in the piano back structure. |
Interior with the reverse-painted scene in place. Mechanisms and two series of light bulbs behind the scene illuminate it and cast moving shadows of the water wheel, waterfall, windmill and other effects on the glass. A few of the xylophone bars show in the upper left window opening, and a few of the smaller pipes are visible next to the drums. The belt-driven gear train and cams that slowly change lighting effects are located under the snare drum. |

The moving scene mechanism: lights behind the large gauze belt project ripples in the waterfall as it slowly moves downward. The gauze-covered mechanism for the water wheel is to the left, the black sheet metal windmill is above, and the steel band running horizontally near the top supports a dirigible and hot air balloon that alternately move across the sky very slowly. The xylophone and a few of the pipes are visible to the rear. |
Lead tubing connecting the piano stack to the tracker bar, pipe chest, and xylophone. The automatic register controls are partly visible at the upper left corner. |