Melville Clark Piano Company Apollo Pianos
(Photographs courtesy of Jere DeBacker)
Apollophone player piano 19,331. The
phonograph turntable and tone arm are located in the upper left
compartment, and the horn is behind the spoolbox. The phonograph
and roll mechanism share the same spring motor, wound by the
pumping pedals as usual when playing rolls, or by the winding
crank on the right side when playing phonograph records. This
piano plate is dated February 28, 1916.
Solo Apollo upright player piano 14,075,
which originally played both 15¼” wide Solo Apollo rolls and
regular 11¼” wide 88-note player piano rolls (the latter with
the extension roll support spindles in place, as in the photo).
The spring-wound music roll motor is mounted on the right side
of the spoolbox. Two long rods near the right side of the case
connect its winding stem to the pumping pedals, and slip
clutches in the winding cranks prevent the spring from being
overwound. At the end of the roll, the spring motor has enough
energy stored to rewind the roll without pumping. The Solo
Apollo was introduced in early 1909; this example is dated
December 1912 on the piano plate and March 18, 1913 on the piano
Apollo specialist Jere DeBacker with Solo
Apollo upright player piano, seial number 14,075.