Melville Clark Piano Company Apollo Piano Styles
From the Music Trade Review of March 7, 1908.
Apollo Style Louis XIV upright player piano with foot
treadle. This style was made only on special order and only in
French burl walnut with art finish. It played all 58, 65, and 88
note (with 6 to the inch hole spacing) music rolls.
From the Music Trade Review of March 7, 1908.
Apollo Style C upright piano with foot
treadle. Made in Mahogany,
Walnut, and Oak. The Apollo Style C was equipped with the air
motor only and plays 58 and 65 note music rolls. The
advertisement noted that the Style C was "especially adapted for
use in apartments, flats, and in homes where room commands a
premium." It is interesting that about the time this piano was
advertised in 1908, and in later years, Melville Clark was busy
denigrating the air motor a "jerky" and flimsy contraption "made
of rubber cloth and wood, stuck together with glue," while
simultaneously extolling the merits of the precision crafted all
metal Metronome Spring Motor. A circa 1915-1916 Melville Clark
Piano Company catalogue illustration shows the Metronome Motor
completely immersed in water while contained in a large glass
jar, but, of course, still running perfectly. Buyers were
advised to visit a showroom and compare the Apollo player
equipped with the Metronome Spring Motor with other piano brands
that used the "jerky" air motor, and draw their own conclusions
as to which motor design provided the best and more precise
musical experience. Then in 1917 Melville Clark introduced the
Airapollo, a player piano with an air motor drive, so as "to
meet the demand of a number of Melville Clark dealers who wanted
an Apollo equipped with air motors as well as with spring
motors, the better to balance the line."
Melville Clark Piano Company, circa 1915-1916,
Apollo Player Piano catalogue.
Apollo Style K upright piano with foot
treadle. Made in Mahogany,
Walnut, and Oak.
Melville Clark Piano Company, circa 1915-1916,
Apollo Player Piano catalogue.
Apollo Style L upright piano with foot
treadle. Made in Mahogany,
Walnut, Oak, and Mission.
Melville Clark Piano Company, circa 1915-1916,
Apollo Player Piano catalogue.
Apollo Style O upright piano with foot
treadle. Made in Mahogany,
Walnut, and Oak.
Melville Clark Piano Company, circa 1915-1916,
Apollo Player Piano catalogue.
Apollo Style W upright piano with foot
treadle. Made in Mahogany,
Walnut, and Oak.
Melville Clark Piano Company, circa 1915-1916,
Apollo Player Piano catalogue.
Apollo Style Grand piano. Made in Mahogany.
The not so inconspicuous floor cabinet situated behind the grand
piano contained an electrically operated vacuum pump, spool-box,
and other essential controls, and was connected to the player grand
piano by a bundle of tubes that could (or so it was advertised)
be easily connected to the piano in just a few hours.
Melville Clark Piano Company, circa 1915-1916,
Apollo Player Piano catalogue.
Apollo Style Art Apollo expression piano—foot
treadle or electric. All of the Upright Styles in the company's
regular piano line were duplicated for the Art Apollo Player Piano.
The Q.R.S. Autograph Hand Played Music Rolls were cut especially
for the Art Apollo series of pianos.
Melville Clark Piano Company, circa 1915-1916,
Apollo Player Piano catalogue.
Apollophone style WP player piano with talking
machine. Made in Mahogany, Walnut, and Oak. The talking machine
(phonograph) is housed in the (closed)compartment to the left of
the spool-box area. The player piano and talking machine could be
used separately or together.