(Photograph from Showtime Auction Services website.)
An Empress Electric Piano (S/N L3202) of unknown style in a massive oak case. This photograph was found on the Showtime Auction Services website and, although the style is a mystery, it shows off the color and design of the art glass typical of many Empress Electric pianos in the same or similar style case. The upper front framework with the three art glass panels is of the "drop down" type, so as to allow for easy access to interior mechanisms for servicing and/or tuning.
There are two known instances of Empress Electric piano models that are not in the catalogue illustrations that follow, but that use this style of piano case. One is an Empress Electric Expression Piano that has art glass nearly identical to the that shown in this photograph, and that plays Operators' 88-note C Expression rolls. The other piano is a predecessor to the Empress Electric Style Y, which has the same instrumentation and is arbitrarily being called an Orchestra Piano, because we are not certain of how Lyon & Healy called out this model. It is in a mahogany case of the same piano style as shown above, but with a single rectangular lyre themed art glass panel. It plays standard "O" music rolls. |
(Photograph courtesy of Q. David Bowers.)
Empress Electric Mandolin Piano (Style A) in a massive oak case. This is a very simple instrument consisting of a coin operated piano with a mandolin attachment. It used the standard type "A" music roll. The upper front framework with the three art glass panels is of the "drop down" type so as to allow for easy access to the piano action for tuning and servicing. |
(Photograph courtesy of Q. David Bowers.)
Empress Electric Bell Piano (Style AS) shown in an oak case, with the upper front "drop-down" panel opened to reveal the set of orchestra bells. Instrumentation consists of a piano with mandolin attachment and a set of 24 reiterating orchestra bells. This instrument used a standard type "A" music roll. The roll mechanism and pump are located in the bottom of the piano. |
(Photograph courtesy of Q. David Bowers.)
Empress Electric Drum Piano (Style B) shown in an oak case, with the lower bottom board removed to reveal the trapwork. Instrumentation consists of a piano with mandolin attachment, a bass drum with cymbal, and a snare drum (with both tap and reiterating beaters). This instrument used a standard type "O" music roll. The roll mechanism and pump are located above the keyboard and are accessible by means of the front "drop-down" framework shown here with a single art glass panel featuring a scenic sunburst motif. |
(Photograph from The Music Trades, courtesy of Andrew Barrett.)
Empress Electric Piano with Reed Organ Attachment and Drums (Style C). Illustrated in a quartered oak case, the lower bottom board has been removed to reveal the reed box and trapwork. Instrumentation consists of a piano with mandolin attachment, a reed organ attachment, a bass drum with cymbal, and a snare drum (with both tap and reiterating beaters). It is musically equivalent to a Coinola Style C-2 Solo Orchestrion with piano, mandolin, Saxola pipe-tone reeds, bass drum, snare drum and cymbal. The rectangular reed box is fastened to the underside of the keybed and is partially visible immediately above the cymbal and snare drum. This style uses a standard type "O" music roll. The roll mechanism and pump are located above the keyboard and are accessible by means of the front "drop-down" framework shown here with a single art glass panel featuring a sunburst motif. |
(Photograph courtesy of Q. David Bowers.)
Empress Electric Flute Piano (Style F) shown in an oak case, with the upper front "drop-down" panel opened to reveal the single rank of wooden flute pipes. Instrumentation consists of a piano with mandolin attachment and a set of 24 flute pipes. This instrument used a standard type "A" music roll. The roll mechanism and pump are located in the bottom of the piano. |
(Photograph courtesy of Q. David Bowers.)
Empress Electric Combination Flute and Violin Piano (Style R) shown in an oak case, with the lower bottom board removed to reveal the two ranks of pipes. Instrumentation consists of a piano with mandolin attachment and a set of 24 metal violin pipes (front) and 24 wooden flute pipes (rear). This instrument used a standard type "O" music roll. The roll mechanism and pump are located above the keyboard and are accessible by means of the front "drop-down" framework shown here with a single art glass panel. |
(Photograph courtesy of Q. David Bowers.)
Empress Electric Violin Piano (Style V) shown in an oak case, with the upper front "drop-down" panel opened to reveal the single rank of metal violin pipes. Instrumentation consists of a piano with mandolin attachment and a set of 24 metal violin pipes. This instrument used a standard type "A" music roll. The roll mechanism and pump are located in the bottom of the piano. |
(Photograph courtesy of Q. David Bowers.)
Empress Electric Style Y Orchestrion shown here in an oak case of the new "Colonial" design, and with the lower bottom board removed to reveal the orchestra bells and trapwork. Instrumentation consists of a piano with mandolin attachment, a bass drum with cymbal, tympani effect, a snare drum (with both tap and reiterating beaters), triangle, and a wood block (to the left of the snare drum). This instrument used a standard type "O" music roll. The roll mechanism and pump are located above the keyboard and are accessible by means of the front "drop-down" framework shown here with two large art glass panels. |
(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz.)
This elegantly refinished Empress Electric Style Y Orchestrion in a light oak case was once part of the Milhous Bros. collection. This case style was advertised as the new Colonial design. The two upper doors with art glass are hinged at the bottom so that they open or drop downward for access to the pump and roll mechanism. |
(Photograph courtesy of Q. David Bowers.)
The Little Empress Electric Cabinet Player. This fancy, unwieldy looking contraption sat on the piano above the piano keys and was held in place by sturdy adjustable clamps that made contact underneath the keybed. The roll mechanism, pump and stack are contained within the furniture enclosure. According to the Lyon & Healy flyer shown in the pane below, "Installation consists of motor, pump, and steel roll frame with rewind bellows. Cabinet complete rests on key blocks directly over the keys of piano with two braces extending over the top of piano to hold it securely. It plays in 88-note range, and each pneumatic has an individual finger resting on each key." |
(Lyon & Healy Flyer courtesy of Dana Johnson.)
Lyon & Healy dealer advertising flyer (circa 1915) for The Little Empress Electric Cabinet Player. |