(Photograph courtesy of Dana Johnson)
1. Early Coinola pianos were probably
obtained from Smith, Barnes & Strohber. The part of the plate
above the tuning pins and bearing the name Operators Piano Co.
is separate from the lower part of the plate, the front of the
pinblock is exposed, and the hammers are divided into four
(Photograph courtesy of Dana Johnson)
2. Mid-era Coinola piano with new design of
Smith, Barnes and Strohber piano. The piano plate is made in one
piece and fully covers the pinblock, and the action still has an
extra break in the middle of the treble section.
(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz)
3. Late Coinola X with a piano of Seybold
design, with a one-piece plate covering the pinblock. In the
midrange and treble sections the tuning pins for adjacent notes
are staggered farther up and down than in any other brand of
(Photograph courtesy of Dana Johnson)
4. Detail of odd tuning pin staggering
found only in pianos made by Seybold of Elgin, Illinois. Seeburg
used similar Seybold pianos in the early teens, then Peerless
used them circa 1914-1915 before it went bankrupt, and finally
Operators used them in the 1920s.