Peerless Style D Coin Piano

Peerless Style D coin piano.

(Photograph courtesy of Reblitz-Bowers Encyclopedia.)

Exterior View of the Peerless Style D Coin Piano. It uses an endless music roll located behind the piano. The coin receptacle box and electric switch are mounted to the front side of the piano case at upper right. The large oval window allowed patrons to view the piano action, which was illuminated by two electric bulbs when the instrument was playing, providing an enticement that encouraged patrons to happily play another tune. This advertising example does not appear to have a mandolin attachment, i.e., piano only, nor is a mandolin effect specified for this style in catalogues or advertising. However, there is some evidence that suggests at least some examples did have what appears to be a manually operated factory installed curtain type mandolin attachment.

Skeletal cut-away view of a Peerless Style D coin piano.

(Photograph courtesy of Reblitz-Bowers Encyclopedia.)

Exterior View of the Peerless Style D Coin Piano. This cut-away skeletal demonstration Style D coin piano was used in public exhibitions, and would reportedly draw crowds of admirers. The name on the piano plate reads: "Peerless Piano Player Co.; Roth & Engelhardt. Prop'rs."

Starting at the bottom, the left and right foot pedals function normally, but the function of the middle pedal, if any, is unknown. Inside the bottom area and mounted to the case bottom is a “perfected Peerless electric induction motor” equipped with a centrifugal clutch that engages when the motor builds up speed. To its left is the rubber tubing bundle coming through the soundboard on its way upward to the 66-note pneumatic stack, which is attached to the bottom side of the keybed. To the right of the electric motor is a pulley that powers the “triple exhaust” vacuum feeder pump and endless roll mechanism located behind the soundboard. At bottom left is the pedal control unit, with the large pneumatic at front operating the soft pedal, with another large pneumatic behind it that is mostly obscured that operates the sustaining pedal.

Above the keyboard is the piano action, and above the row of piano hammers is what is clearly a manually operated curtain type mandolin rail, with what look to be hollow tubular tabs wired to the dangling cloth or leather straps. Near the top of the piano plate are two electric light bulbs to illuminate the piano action while the instrument plays a tune. At top left is a case extension to accommodate the manual control for lowering and raising the mandolin attachment.

Peerless music roll box label for Style "D" music roll No. 7321.

(Photograph courtesy of Dana Johnson.)

Peerless music roll box label for the 7,000 series Style "D" music roll No. 7321. This typical late Peerless Style “D” music roll label, circa 1923, was produced by the National Music Roll Company, which in later years occupied part of the same factory campus once used by Roth & Engelhardt during 1902 when the Style “D” coin piano was introduced. The musical selections are “Selected from Best Current Hits; (A No. 1 Dance Roll).” The tune list is as follows:
1. Everything is K. O. in K. Y.—Fox Trot.
2. Peggy, Deer—Fox Trot.
3. Dearest, You’re the Nearest to My Heart—Fox Trot.
4. Lady Butterfly—Fox Trot.
5. River Shannon Moon—Waltz.
