Seeburg Reiterating Xylophones

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz)
The telltale sign of an early style
reiterating Seeburg xylophone, made from late 1923 into 1926, is
the little bracket attached to the lower end of each pneumatic,
as shown here. The bottom end of the bracket is bent 90 degrees
under the valve box, where it opens a pallet valve when the
pneumatic plays. This admits atmosphere into the pouch, turning
the reverse valve off and releasing the pneumatic. When the
pneumatic opens, the bracket releases the pallet valve, starting
the cycle again. This produces a very fast reiterating action.
(Early KT Special #159,898, made in 1924.)

(Photograph courtesy of David Ramey Jr.)
In the early style reiterating action, the
back of the valve chest has a small pneumatic for each note,
connected by tubing to the piano stack. Each little pneumatic
has a finger that closes a channel when it plays, allowing its
pouch to pull down, and causing the reverse valve to apply
vacuum to the beater pneumatic. The pneumatic stays collapsed as
long at the note plays on the stack, while the bracket on the
pneumatic and the pallet underneath cause the reiteration.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz)
The late style reiterating xylophone
mechanism is easily identified by the slide valves on top of the
valve chest. The metal piece on top of each pneumatic connects
the moveable board to a small slide valve, which switches the
valve off and on to cause reiteration. (KT Special #164,627,
made in 1927.)

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz)
Close-up of the slide valve connecting
straps. The metal pieces on the lower front of the pneumatics
are adjustable return springs for the pneumatics, in place of
the earlier style rigid metal brackets. The late style action
also has 22 little pneumatics on the back, but they play their
respective xylophone notes by opening a small hole instead of
closing it, as in the earlier system.