(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz)
Front view of the pushrod hold-down bar in
Seeburg H #54,153, made in 1922 with a Seeburg piano. The black
horizontal wooden strip obscuring the treble pushrods holds the
pushrods down when the music roll calls for a pipe solo. The two
vertical wooden stands and metal bars form a pantograph to keep
the bar parallel to the stack and action. The metal bar
extending downward to the right connects to a large pneumatic on
the side of the case that pulls on it, forcing the bar down.

(Photograph courtesy of Art Reblitz)
Back view of the hold-down bar, showing the
slots lined with red action cloth, the pantograph assembly, and
the small, barely-visible, horizontal pins mounted in the
pushrods and entering the slots. With the bar up the pushrods
are free to move up and down to play the piano. When the bar is
down, it holds the pins down, keeping the piano treble from
playing. This is much simpler than the early solo valve system.