Catalogue Specifications:
- Model A case design.
- Integral case and chassis format.
- Duplex roll changers with windmotor for forward music roll
- Uses Hupfeld Phonoliszt piano (only) rolls, or Phonoliszt-Violina
- Height: 7 ft. 8 in.
Width: 5 ft. 2 in.
Depth: 3 ft. 1 in.
Musical Scale:
keyboard piano for manual playing use.
- Hupfeld Phonoliszt piano expression controls playing a 38-note
accompaniment piano scale, with a 12 note (one octave) treble extension
- "E" (right side) violin: playing open E string plus 16 fingered
- "A" (center) violin playing open A string plus 10 fingered notes.
- "D" (left side) violin playing open D string plus 10 fingered notes.
- The left side roll changer plays Phonoliszt-Violina (violin and
piano) rolls, the right side roll changer plays Phonoliszt (piano only)
- Bow speeds:
Forte (loud-default speed): 27 R.P.M.
Mezzoforte (medium): 14 R.P.M.
Piano (slow/soft) : 7 R.P.M.
Accent: 32 R.P.M.
- This instrument was originally fitted with remotely operated
electromagnetic to pneumatic controls suitable for theatre use. Thus,
someone in the projection booth could start, stop, or rewind a music
roll, or switch to a roll on the other roll changer, so as to alter the
music according to a motion picture's accompaniment needs. The "bank" of
five solenoid operated control valves is mounted on the backside of the
instrument, at the top of the piano back frame.
- The term Phonoliszt literally means "Sounds of Liszt." Franz Liszt
(1811-1886) was born in Hungary, and became known as the World's
greatest pianist. He lived in Germany for a number of years, and his
daughter, Cosima, married the renowned German composer Richard Wagner,
further endearing Germans to Liszt's music.
Chronological History:
Circa 1912-14
Manufactured by Hupfeld, Leipzig, Germany.
Circa 1912-14
A Café in Bremen, Germany.
Circa 1960s
Paul Corin, England.
Reportedly, Paul Corin operated a musical museum in England. According to
a letter from Mr. Corin to Ken Goldman, the current owner of the
Phonoliszt-Violina, the instrument came from a cafe in Bremen, North
Germany. Paul Corin mentions that he cannot remember the name of the lady
from whom the instrument was purchased.
Circa 1973
Friberg/Mekanisk Music Museum collection, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Circa 1973
Bowers collection, California.
The instrument was bought by Dave Bowers circa 1973, and was shipped to
California. After the close of H&B, Terry Hathaway maintained a restoration
shop in the Whittier, California, area for about two years, and the
instrument, along with another Model A Phonoliszt-Violina with duplex
roll-changers (this one belonging to Terry Hathaway) were stored in the new
workshop. Both machines were cleaned up, with enough work on the Bowers
Phonoliszt-Violina to get it in satisfactory playing condition. It was one
of the many automatic musical instruments to be featured in the AMICA
convention held in Los Angeles in 1980.
Goldman Collection, Massachusetts.
The instrument was bought by Ken Goldman and shipped to Ron Cappel in central
California for a complete and exacting restoration. Restoration was
completed in 1992. Then, after the instruments was recorded by Ron Cappel for his
own audio reference, the
instrument was shipped to Massachusetts, whereby the Phonoliszt-Violina became a treasured instrument in the Goldman collection..
Information provided by Terry Hathaway, Dave Bowers, Ken
Goldman, Ron Cappel and Art Reblitz.
Ken Goldman; and Ron Cappel.