
for Assisting in the Study of Mechanical Music Topics

Thank You for your Interest and Helpful Generosity

Many avid collectors, owners of single instruments, and other dedicated enthusiasts have graciously submitted information over the years, helping to form the core of this Mechanical Music Registry section. For their tireless effort and continuing interest we are, of course, exceedingly appreciative and thankful. The list of contributors below (arranged in alphabetical order by last name) displays the names of the majority of individuals who contributed information (some providing dozens of entries).

And, of course, there are many other contributors of small bits and pieces of information who unintentionally go unnamed here, but who have, nevertheless, contributed equally important pieces of the overall puzzle that deserve our recognition and heartfelt appreciation. If you sent Art Reblitz information sometime in the last 40 years and you do not find your name in the list below, please call it to our attention and we will be happy to add it. Additionally, there are those who have yet to discover our united effort here, which has culminated in this Mechanical Music Registry, but who will someday also contribute important information to this ongoing historical log. To these future enthusiasts we also extend our heartfelt appreciation and an invitation to join us in our historical endeavor.

Enumerated below is a long list of generous people who contributed serial numbers, design and mechanical details, photographs, and who provided access to their private collections for study. However, before going on to the alphabetized and sectionalized list below there are several individuals who warrant special attention and praise. These dedicated, long-time mechanical music enthusiasts have gone significantly out of their way to collect and provide (in some cases) literally hundreds of important historical details, photos, proofreading, and/or other crucial, factual information. These especially helpful people include (in alphabetical order by last name): Jerry Biasella, Dave Bowers, Aaron Carlson, Mark Forer, Ed Gaida, Joe Hilferty, Dana Johnson, Rusty King, Mike Kitner, Bennet Leedy, Brad McClincy, Ron Propst, David Ramey Jr., John Rutoskey, and Don Teach.

Jack Breen provided Art Reblitz with helpful information on databases vs. spreadsheets, and how to group items to make retrieval easier. Marguerite Lykes entered Art’s original Wordstar text file and hundreds of hand-written notes collected since the 1960s into an Excel spreadsheet, from which Terry Hathaway created the current database.

A - B - C

Doug Adam, Stephen Adams, Bob Ager, Byron Akers, David Allan, Gert Almind, Mike Ames, David Anderson, David Angell, Mike Argain, Dan Armstrong, Durrell Armstrong, Bob Avary, Jerry Bacon, Joe Bailey, Richard Bair, Bob Baker, Terry Barnes, Andrew Barrett, Carlton Baxter, Tom Beckett, Walt Bellm, Eric Bergstrom, Bob Berkman, John Berry, Jerry Biasella, Alan Bies, Galen Bird, Bill Black, Steve Boehck, Lowell Boehland, Dave Boehm, Ron Bopp, Ed Borazio, Terry Borne, Charles Bovey, Dave Bowers, Herb Brabandt, Jim Brady, James Bratton, Jack Breen, Larry Broadmoore, B Bronson, Bud Bronson, John Brothers, Craig Brougher, Bob Brown, Dick Bueschel, Bill Burkhardt, Noël Burndahl, Bob Caletti, Ron Cappel, Aaron Carlson, George Carlson, Matthew Caulfield, Arnold Chase, Tom Chase, Roland Chisnell, Paul Ciancia, David Clark, Bruce Clark, George and Susie Coade, Jerry Cohen, Bob Conant, Jack Conway, Rick Cooley, Jerry Cordy, Fred Cramer, Rick Crandall, Jim Cross, Don Cunderla.

D - E - F

Fred Dahlinger, Warren Dale, John Daniel, Allyn Davenport, Roger Dayton, Jere DeBacker, Tom Delay, Tony DiSanto, Robert Doane, Dan Dohman, Jerry Doring, Ron Drapalik, Pat Martinez, Johnny Duckworth, John Eckman, Bill Edgerton, Wayne Edmonston, Rudy Edwards, John Ellingsen, Andrew Ellis, Larry Emmons, Bill Endlein, Alan Erb, Richard Fague, Ray Fairfield, John Farmer, Marshall Fey, John Field, Bob Fine, Mark Forer, Emmett Ford, Eddie Freyer, Lisa Freyer (granddaughter of the late Eddie Freyer),

G - H - I

Ed Gaida, Bing Gibbs, Bob Gilson, Larry Givens, Ken Goldman, Rob Goodale, Stephen Kent Goodman, Mike Gorski, John Gourley, David Graber, Glenn Grabinsky, Cliff Gray, Roger Gregg, Scotty Greene, William (Bill) Griess, John Grivetti, Steve Gronowski, Bob Grunow, Howard Gustafson, Jon Guy, Ben Haas, Dick Hack, Ken Halphide, Roy Haning, Ron Haring, Bill and Rosanna Harris, Ron Hartman, Ed Hattrup, Terry Haughawout, Randy Hayno, Dan Hecker, Don Hein, Earl Hennagir, Patrick Herman, Joe Hilferty, Frank Himpsl, Clay Hinrich, Mike Hobbs, Phil Housh, John Hovancak, Dick Howe, M. K. Huff, James Huffer, Tom Hutchinson, Tim Irby.

J - K - L

Larry James, Joel Jancko, Don Janisch, Matt Jaro, Dana Johnson, Julie Johnson, Carl Jones, Murayama Junachi, Dave Junchen, John Kadlec, Bill and Dee Kavouras, Carl Kehret, Larry Kerecman, Fred Kern, Bill Kerschner, Rusty King, Mike Kitner, Christopher Knoop, Howard Kohlbrenner, Joseph Kotil, David Krall, Frankie Kramlick, Ed Kraus, Jody Kravitz, Allen Kraxberger, Dick Kroeckel, Don Krog, Jim Krughoff, Tom Kuehn, Steve Kukich, Mike Kukral, Hans Kunz, Doyle Lane, Steve Lanick, Curt Lawyer, Bennet Leedy, John Lemmer, Larry Leonard, Pete Levine, Alan Lightcap, Gordon Lipe, Robert Loeffler, Rick Lohr, Richard Lokemoen, Ken Long, Jim Lowell, Michael Lund.

M - N - O

Don MacDonald, Bill Maher, Doug Mahr, John Malone, Paul Manganaro, Curt Mangel, Will Markey, Bill Masterman, John Maxwell, Mac McClaran, Brad McClincy, John McClure, Gavin McDonough, Doug McGee, Tom Meijer, Wes Melander, Al Menashe, Dick Merchant, Allan Merralls, Bob Milhous, Paul Milhous, Mikey Mills, Bruce Miller, Michael Montgomery, Bob Moore, Rick Morel, Jeff Morgan, Tim Morsher, Carl Moss, John Motto-Ros, Mike Mount, Mike Naddeo, Don Neilson, Tom Neuhaus, Tracy Newman, Wade Newton, Jack Niewoehner, Frank Nix, Jerry Noel, Bart Off, Ed Openshaw, Lloyd Osmundson.

P - Q - R

David Palter, John Papa, Don Pease, Jerry Pell, Marvin Pensala, Bruce Perlman, Bob Perry, John Perschbacher, Marty Persky, Stan Peters, Alan Pier, Bill Pixley, Fred Plank, John Pohlpeter, Rich Poppe, Julie Porter, Robin Pratt, Arthur Prinsen, Emery Prior, Ron Propst, Jim Quashnoc, Steve Radjenovitch, Dave Ramey, David Ramey Jr., Don Rand, Jim Rankin, Josh Rapier, Dave Reichert, Dave Reidy, Brad Reinhardt, Richard Reutlinger, Stan Rhine, Robbie Rhodes, Frank Richmond, Frank Rider, Robert Ridgeway, Gary Ritz, Dan Robinson, Harvey Roehl, Marty Roenigk, Steve Rosenberg, Angelo Rulli, John Rutoskey, Jere Ryder, Steve Ryder.

S - T - U - V

Art Sanders, Jasper Sanfilippo, Paul Sarratt, Ralph Schack, Clint Schlake, Frank D. Schnorbus, Richard Schommer, Ron Schultz, Mick Seeburg, Mel Septon, John Shanahan, Dave Shoemaker, Sterling Shull, Nikolas Simons, George Simpson, Bill Singleton, Brian Smith, Leonard Smith, Harry Snyder, Tom Sprague, Ed Sprankle, Allan Stafford, Clyde Stevens, Jeremy Stevens, Joe Stevens III, Bob Stewart, Edna Ingles Stites, Jerry Sutter, Al Svoboda, Corky Svoboda, Jim Swickard, Andy Taylor, Bob Taylor, Keith Taylor, Don Teach, Lloyd Thoburn, Blaine Thomas, Glenn Thomas, Steve Thompson, Brian Thornton, Terry Tilford, Bill Toth, Tim Trager, Bob Travis, John Tuttle, Joe Uher, Hayden Vandiver, Paul and Joni Villavicencio, Ken Vinen.

W - X - Y - Z

Gerald Wagner, Mel Walker, Mike Walter, Greg Warren, Dave Weber, Tim Westman, Bill Wherry, Jonathan White, Neal White, Don Wick, Dave Wilkinson, Maury Willyard, Wayne Wolf, John Wrasse, Tom Wurdeman, Mark Yaffe, Terry Younce, Dave Young, Dean Yunker, Dan Zelinski, Simon Zivin, Tom Zook, Frank Zygmunt.